Far beneath the surface of the planet, the Fire Worm, Lord Morgrim, has set The War of the Great Expansion into motion, but his play to hold the power over the Planet Erf hits some snags as the True Dragon’s began to rally their supporters. Enraged, he travels to his top secret lab, located under Area 51 in the United States of Ameriga, to ensure his scientists are continuing to fulfil the essential program for his devilish plans. The key to Morgrim’s plans is control over the great Forest of Lundun – the centre of all Magickal powers on Erf. If only those two pesky children and the blasted Dragon Queen’s Egg weren’t meddling; he would have taken control much, much sooner…
With Dragon’s Nest being the fourth instalment of S R Langley’s epic fantasy series – Dragon’s of Erf, the reader is treated to a thrilling, climatic ending. Roger, Mary, Regor (the unhatched Dragon Prince) and Grannie Maddam, meet more than their fair share of nefarious characters, surviving by the skin of their necks too many times to mention. But they also meet a plethora of new friends, helpful creatures and legendary figures in the Forest of Lundun as they travel to the mysterious Dragon’s Nest in order for Regor to hatch.
As with the progression of the previous three books in Dragon’s Erf, the themes and language in Dragon’s Nest become increasingly darker and more mature. Roger and Mary find themselves in increasingly more dire circumstances; having to make choices that even adults thrice their age would find agonising. It’s a beautiful and haunting allegory of life; that nothing ever gets easier, and our hearts and souls are broken by every decision we make.
However, the reader is also left on an almost literal, teetering cliffhanger at the conclusion of the book. After Langley sadly passed away in 2021, his children have endeavoured to keep his legacy alive – which mean’s they’re committed to continue their father’s series. The fifth book, Dragon’s Magick, is an ongoing project – and one that readers will be eagerly awaiting.
S. A.
First published on Reedsy Discovery as part of their ARC program. You can read the original review here.
Dragon’s Nest is available to buy from Amazon. You can also read it for free on Kindle Unlimited, where you can also borrow the first four books in Dragon’s Erf, in one volume.