As a fully trained Journalist and published author, I also offer a range of professional editing services at reasonable prices, as well as reviews. Please, don’t hesitate to get in contact for more information.
Services Available:
Paid Services:
Reasonable prices offered for new authors from as little as £100. Contact for a no obligation quote.
I will make suggestions for edits which may not have come up – such as changing certain words, using certain dialects, whether a particular scene works or if there are any changes to be made.
Reasonable prices offered for new authors from as little as £50. Contact for a no obligation quote.
Here I will read through your manuscript with a fine-toothed comb and wheedle out any pesky spelling mistakes or grammatical errors that may have slipped through the net. I know only too well, that even the most vigilant of writers, can completely miss even the most obvious of their own mistakes in their own manuscript.
Collaborative Writing:
If you’re a new author and need a helping hand with certain plot points, characters or anything else, I am available to help write those ideas for you to develop further. Please contact me for a no obligation quote and discussion.
Free Services
Book Reviews:
Have a book ready for publication? Struggling to get honest, professional reviews? I offer book reviews in exchange for nothing but your novel. I will publish said review on this website, on Amazon (if that’s where you’re selling your book), and Goodreads. I will be honest with the review, and if I feel the book is not quite ready for publication, I will message you directly.
If you’ve just finished your early drafts of your novel, and would like honest and frank opinions, then a Beta-Reader is your best bet. I will read your manuscript, and offer my opinions on plot points, character arcs and sub-plots – as well as anything else you would like to know. There are Beta-Reader questionnaire examples dotted around the internet, if you feel you need some guidance before that point.
Fill out the form below to contact me for a no obligation quote or to discuss reviewing your book.
For any of the paid services, if I feel that your work requires more time or work than we have agreed on within the contract, I will happily re-negotiate terms with you so that I can complete the work. If, for any reason, I am unable to continue past the initial agreed contract, I will return what I have completed thus far with my notes and suggestions. Because work has been completed, I will not be able to offer a refund.
If I feel your work needs to be re-written, I will return your manuscript to you with my suggestions – but I will not be able to re-write your book for you. It is your baby, your world. If you would like me to collaborate with you, then please, contact me to discuss those options.
When agreeing to a contract, I will specify a reasonable time frame in which you should expect to have your manuscript returned to you with my suggestions and final report. If I finish editing/proof-reading your project earlier than expected, the cost will still be the same – as I will still have put the same amount of effort into attending your work; I may have just been less busy with other projects at that time.
Refunds will only be offered if I have not been able to fulfil my own end of the contract – as in, I have not done the agreed amount of work for whatever reason (if, for example, I am taken ill, or have a family emergency).
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